npm prettier-plugin-tailwindcss 0.2.0

latest releases: 0.0.0-insiders.82ea71a, 0.6.1, 0.0.0-insiders.731ae22...
19 months ago


  • Don't bundle prettier-plugin-svelte (#101)


  • Improve compatibility with other Prettier plugins (#101, #102)

Upgrading from v0.1.x for Svelte users

As of v0.2.0 we no longer bundle prettier-plugin-svelte as part of this plugin, so to bring back formatting for Svelte code you need to explicitly install that dependency yourself:

npm install -D prettier-plugin-svelte

Next, disable autoloading by setting pluginSearchDirs to false in your Prettier configuration, and add any plugins you're using to your plugins list, making sure prettier-plugin-tailwindcss is last in the list:

// .prettierrc
  // ..
  "plugins": [
    "prettier-plugin-tailwindcss" // Must come last
  "pluginSearchDirs": false

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