npm preact 10.3.0

latest releases: 10.21.0, 10.20.2, 10.20.1...
4 years ago

tl;dr: This release contains a good number of bug fixes and we encourage all users to upgrade.

A little bit of time has passed since our last release and we're excited to ship another one, making Preact even more robust! The fixes nearly touch all packages and further improves compatibility with third-party libraries 🎉

If you glance at the contributor names, you'll notice a few new ones there. It's safe to say that we were amazed and super ecstatic by the amount of new first time contributors to Preact! 🙌


  • Include support for customised built-in elements (#2266, thanks @defx)
  • Upgrade devtools adapter to support Profiler and bring back preact/devtools import (#2246, thanks @marvinhagemeister)

Bug Fixes



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