npm postcss 8.3.0
8.3 “Duke Murmur”

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3 years ago

Duke Murmur seal

PostCSS 8.3 improved source map parsing performance, added Node#assign() shortcut, and experimental Document node to AST.

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Source Map Performance

Because PostCSS needs synchronous API, we can’t move from the old `source-map 0.6 to 0.7 (many other open-source projects too).

@7rulnik forked source-map 0.6 to source-map-js and back-ported performance improvements from 0.7. In 8.3 we switched from source-map to this source-map-js fork.

You map see 4x performance improvements in parsing map from processing step before PostCSS (for instance, Sass).

Document Nodes

Thanks to @gucong3000, PostCSS already parse CSS from HTML and JS files (CSS-in-JS templates and objects).

But his plugin need big updates. @hudochenkov from stylelint team decided to create new parsers for styles inside CSS-in-JS, HTML, and Markdown.

He suggested adding new Document node type to PostCSS AST to keep multiple Root nodes inside and JS/HTML/Markdown code blocks between these style blocks.

const document = htmlParser(
document.type          //=> 'document'
document.nodes.length  //=> 2
document.nodes[0].type //=> 'root'

This is an experimental feature. Some aspects of this node could change within minor or patch version releases.

Node#assign() Shortcut

The creator of famous postcss-preset-env and many other PostCSS tools, @jonathantneal suggested a nice shortcut to change multiple properties in the node:

decl.assign({ prop: 'word-wrap', value: 'break-word' })

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