npm pnpm 8.6.12

latest releases: 9.3.0, 9.2.0, 9.1.4...
10 months ago

Patch Changes

  • Make the error message friendlier when a user attempts to run a command that does not exist #6887.
  • pnpm patch should work correctly when shared-workspace-file is set to false #6885.
  • pnpm env use should retry deleting the previous Node.js executable #6587.
  • pnpm dlx should not print an error stack when the underlying script execution fails #6698.
  • When showing the download progress of large tarball files, always display the same number of digits after the decimal point #6901.
  • Report download progress less frequently to improve performance #6906.
  • pnpm install --frozen-lockfile --lockfile-only should fail if the lockfile is not up to date with the package.json files #6913.

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