npm pnpm 7.28.0

latest releases: 9.5.0, 9.5.0-beta.3, 9.5.0-beta.2...
16 months ago

Minor Changes

  • Add --report-summary for pnpm exec and pnpm run #6008.
  • Show path info for pnpm why --json or --long #6103.
  • Extends the pnpm.peerDependencyRules.allowedVersions package.json option to support the parent>child selector syntax. This syntax allows for extending specific peerDependencies #6108.

Patch Changes

  • Update the lockfile if a workspace has a new project with no dependencies.
  • Fix a case of installs not being deterministic and causing lockfile changes between repeat installs. When a dependency only declares peerDependenciesMeta and not peerDependencies, dependencies, or optionalDependencies, the dependency's peers were not considered deterministically before.
  • patch-commit should auto apply patches in workspaces #6048
  • Automatically fix conflicts in v6 lockfile.
  • pnpm config set should write to the global config file by default #5877.

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