npm pnpm 7.19.0

latest releases: 9.4.0, 9.3.0, 9.2.0...
18 months ago

Minor Changes

  • New setting supported in the package.json that is in the root of the workspace: pnpm.requiredScripts. Scripts listed in this array will be required in each project of the worksapce. Otherwise, pnpm -r run <script name> will fail #5569.
  • When the hoisted node linker is used, preserve node_modules directories when linking new dependencies. This improves performance, when installing in a project that already has a node_modules directory #5795.
  • When the hoisted node linker is used, pnpm should not build the same package multiple times during installation. If a package is present at multipe locations because hoisting could not hoist them to a single directory, then the package should only built in one of the locations and copied to the rest #5814.

Patch Changes

  • pnpm rebuild should work in projects that use the hoisted node linker #5560.
  • pnpm patch should print instructions about how to commit the changes #5809.
  • Allow the -S flag in command shims pnpm/cmd-shim#42.
  • Don't relink injected directories if they were not built #5792.

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