npm pnpm 7.13.0

latest releases: 9.2.0, 9.1.4, 9.1.3...
20 months ago

Minor Changes

  • Ignore packages listed in package.json > pnpm.updateConfig.ignoreDependencies fields on update/outdated command #5358

    For instance, if you don't want webpack automatically to be updated when you run pnpm update --latest, put this to your package.json:

      "pnpm": {
        "updateConfig": {
          "ignoreDependencies": ["webpack"]

    Patterns are also supported, so you may ignore for instance any packages from a scope: @babel/*.

  • It is possible now to update all dependencies except the listed ones using !. For instance, update all dependencies, except lodash:

      pnpm update !lodash

    It also works with pattends, for instance:

      pnpm update !@babel/*

    And it may be combined with other patterns:

      pnpm update @babel/* !@babel/core

Patch Changes

  • Hooks should be applied on pnpm deploy #5306.

  • Stop --filter-prod option to run command on all the projects when used on workspace. --filter-prod option now only filter from dependencies and omit devDependencies instead of including all the packages when used on workspace. So what was happening is that if you use --filter-prod on workspace root like this:

    pnpm --filter-prod exec node -e 'console.log(require(`./package.json`).name)'

    it was printing all the package of workspace, where it should only print the package name of itself and packages where it has been added as dependency (not as devDependencies)

  • Don't override the root dependency when auto installing peer dependencies #5412.

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What's Changed

  • GitHub Workflows security hardening by @sashashura in #5405
  • feat: merge readPackage hook from opts and pnpmfile by @AGrzes in #5403
  • feat: excluding deps from update by @zkochan in #5432
  • fix: dir path repeated join in link global by @lvqq in #5434
  • fix: filter-prod flag including all workspace pkgs by @noorulh06 in #5437
  • Feature: ignore packages listed in package.json > pnpm.updateConfig.ignoreDependencies on update/outdated commands by @Shinyaigeek in #5408
  • fix: don't override root deps when auto installing peers by @zkochan in #5442

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v7.12.2...v7.13.0

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