npm pm2 3.2.0

latest releases: 5.4.1, 5.4.0, 5.3.1...
5 years ago

3.2.0 (3/10/18)


  • package.json version field retrieval and display in pm2 ls, pm2 show, pm2 monit
  • pm2 internal configuration system via pm2 set pm2:key value, attached to pm2.user_conf
  • add the .user field (CLI + Config) to set the user to start the application with
  • add the .time field (CLI + Config) to enable default logs date prefix
  • max_memory_restart now triggers a reload
  • pm2 env <pm_id> command to display the environment the application is running with
  • exponential backoff restart delay via --exp-backoff-restart-delay <ms> with reset mechanism
  • new timing library on PM2 daemon (increase log througput, reduce CPU usage and memory usage)
  • better user management system with username resolution to uid
  • websocket default switch for pm2 plus
  • new module management system (pm2 package <folder>, pm2 publish <folder>, pm2 install <tarball>)


  • @pm2/io 2.4 (restart > 10.0)
  • restart behavior tested
  • fix module version parsing
  • module system refactoring (TAR + NPM)
  • fix watch_delay in config file

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