npm playwright-webkit 1.9.2

latest releases: 1.48.0-alpha-2024-09-18, 1.47.1-beta-1726598621000, 1.48.0-alpha-2024-09-17...
3 years ago


Text selector and click() fixes.

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 90.0.4421.0
  • Mozilla Firefox 86.0b10
  • WebKit 14.1
Issues Closed (2)

#5634 - [REGRESSION]: Test selector changed behavior
#5674 - [REGRESSION]: Label is not visible anymore

Commits (18)

e42fe21 - cherry-pick(release-1.9): fix(BrowserContext): race between continue and close (#5771)
11968ce - chore: mark v1.9.2 (#5770)
1dae530 - cherry-pick(release-1.9): fix(click): do not retarget from label to control when clicking (#5769)
ccc89e3 - cherry-pick(release-1.9): fix(text selector): revert quoted match to match by text nodes only (#5766)
3fcc57c - fix: update codegen to produce set* instead of with* (#5738) (#5740)
07438f6 - cherry-pick(release-1.9): rename with* to set* for java (#5739)
097f7c3 - feat(java): implement codegen (#5692)
ab3b8a1 - cherry-pick(release-1.9): launch-server command (#5713) (#5719)
4e317b3 - docs: remove current accessbility api from java (#5708) (#5712)
563254a - docs: add Page.onceDialog for java (#5706) (#5710)
c6a2901 - cherry-pick(release-1.9): fix registry to be accessible by Azure Pipe… (#5704)
f41d000 - docs: enable BowserType.connect in java (#5686) (#5691)
75b83cb - docs: rename Page.console to consoleMessage in java (#5640) (#5671)
1d7d08c - docs: spread parameters of page.setViewportSize in java (#5664) (#5667)
5d275f1 - docs: describe playwright.create in java (#5566) (#5666)
6b4d528 - fix: include parsed .md spec into api.json (#5662) (#5663)
9a4d690 - cherry-pick(release-1.9): add java snippets to the examples in guides (#5638) (#5660)
948e658 - docs: java snippets for api classes (#5629) (#5657)

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