v3.28.1 (2025-03-12)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- exclude plugin-cloud-storage, plugin-sentry and plugin-stripe from bundling optimization (#11673) (0fc70e0)
- incorrect height rounding when resizing images with sharp (#11634) (9d6583d)
- incorrect types for field Label, Description and Error server components (#11642) (88eeeaa)
- storage-s3: ensure s3 sockets are cleaned up (#11626) (3f6699f)
- translations: improve Swedish translations (#11654) (7be0219)
- ui: form state infinite render (#11665) (b81358c)
- ui: add RowLabelProvider context for blocks row labels (#11664) (4defa33)
- ui: prevent fieldErrorsToast from showing empty errors list (#11643) (b44603b)
📚 Documentation
🧪 Tests
📝 Templates
🏡 Chores
- fix typo (rename mognoose to mongoose) (#11653) (885f580)
- infer React context providers and prefer use (#11669) (355bd12)
- deps: bump next.js from 15.2.1 to 15.2.2 in monorepo (#11636) (9c53a62)
- plugin-multi-tenant: remove SELECT_ALL constant (#11660) (39d783a)
- release: eslint/3.28.0 (bc79608)
- translations: polish Swedish (#11353) (1da50f5)
🤝 Contributors
- Germán Jabloñski (@GermanJablo)
- Alessio Gravili (@AlessioGr)
- Jacob Fletcher (@jacobsfletch)
- Jarrod Flesch (@JarrodMFlesch)
- Elliot DeNolf (@denolfe)
- Said Akhrarov (@akhrarovsaid)
- Patrik (@PatrikKozak)
- Marcus Forsberg (@marcusforsberg)
- Jesper We (@JesperWe)