6.4.0 (2021-11-28)
Bug Fixes
- better error message when using unsupported ref component (#263) (28d7d66)
- client: query add return type (#270) (326ed10)
- enum: add eslint disabled rule (7b647cf)
- generator: method delete add body (5eb913b)
- generators: handling multi-files path refs (9a516b9)
- getters: combine authorize properties (a191ee7)
- getters: combine better handling of enums (#271) (70f3cc7)
- getters: object try to avoid name collision (0c7b9fd)
- getters: route correctly add last slash (aa0826c)
- query: check content for query schema (#250) (ff4738b)
- resolvers: handling slash char into ref (#268) (8b52e37)
- writers: include workspace index.ts to be formatted using prettier (#253) (0a15c82)
- writers: sort schemas by imports dependencies (efadb0c)