6.11.0 (2023-01-06)
Bug Fixes
- case: handling name starting with underscore (d393a1c)
- core: getters scalar stringify all enum items (83d1d59)
- enum: authorise nullable (74993d1)
- form-data: handling nullable object property (cb5db56)
- getters: properties composition correctly check if the schema name already exist (60c6bb2)
- import-schemas: handling schema file which contain other schemas (68f84a8)
- imports: correctly handling schema file (c58c0df)
- imports: non specification improve schema assertion (68522ac)
- msw: handling combine without resolved type (17f4c82)
- msw: handling combined type array correctly (128d0c4)
- mutator: parser mutator double return arrow function (f9f1ee8)
- mutators: imports error type and body type verify that not already imported (ccb78d5)
- options: normalize correctly operations verboptions (bfe3333)
- required query parameters with content (#683) (98e311a)
- scalar: handling enum without type (e2c449f)