npm node-red-contrib-home-assistant-websocket 0.6.0

latest releases: 0.64.0, 0.63.2, 0.63.1...
5 years ago

New Features

  • The call-service node autocomplete for entity_id now handles multiple entities
  • The properties field of a trigger-state node now has autocomplete
  • Added a new comparator, 'in group', to the get-entities node
  • Get-history node can use a relative time string for its date fields


  • A more verbose error message for the autocomplete error when the server config hasn't been deployed
  • More informative error message for the call-service node when there's an API error


  • Change the connect timeout for users so it doesn't bombard the proxy when attempting to connect. (#76)


  • HomeAssistant object updated before firing state_change event (#74)
  • Fixed HTTP API so it returns an empty string and not the response object when is empty.

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