npm node-red-contrib-home-assistant-websocket 0.11.0

latest releases: 0.65.1, 0.65.0, 0.64.0...
5 years ago

Possible Breaking Change for current-state node

The current-state node now allows the entity_id in the config to be overwritten by msg.payload.entity_id. This wasn't possible before if there was a value in the entity_id field of the config. The events: all and older versions of the call-service nodes are the only two that output a msg.payload.entity_id. Flows that have a current-state node following one of those two nodes might see there flows not acting as expected. This change brings the current-state node more in line with the other nodes of this package by allowing config values to be set from msg.payload.

Bug Fixes

  • base-node: fix for using in/not in with context of msg/flow (49b9c26)
  • show msg for current state not and not others (d2c7929)
  • use relative path for haltif.js for hassio ingress (beb556a)
  • mustache-context: Fix for using both states/entity for templates (4b09811)


  • current-state: able to override config entity id from payload (9217e09), closes #115

Full Changelog

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