0.6.0 (2023-10-09)
- assert-injector: add run mode for assertInjector (#105) (837f4b4)
- gestures: port use-gesture (0a2e437), closes #91
- host-binding: add a hostBinding function, docs and tests (#81) (ee5f8aa)
Bug Fixes
- create-injection-token: allow provideFn to accept factory (#100) (55f31b3)
- create-injection-token: allows multi token to work correctly (#98) (f190b30)
- categories utilities (881d5f3)
- categories utilities (791f4e7)
- edit index.mdx content (fd2f002)
- edit index.mdx content (16b28bf)
- fix getting-started sidebar order (995df09)
- fix getting-started sidebar order (609ac8e)
- move singleton-proxy into misc (dc746f5)
- update .all-contributorsrc (8712c85)
- update .all-contributorsrc (f7af320)
- update README.md (f8031ae)
- update README.md (cf79407)