npm next 14.3.0-canary.33

2 months ago

Core Changes

  • Resolve global next Webpack alias last: #65123
  • Add oslo, @node-rs/argon2, and @node-rs/bcrypt to external packages: #65204
  • [trace] Reduce the size of .next/trace files: #65101
  • Remove extra suspense boundary for default next/dynamic: #64716
  • Only apply metadata manifest credentials for preview deployment: #64940
  • fix(next): add missing browser.major type: #65185

Example Changes

  • Ensure latest canary of Next.js is installed in repros: #65197

Misc Changes

  • chore: add more labels: #65209
  • docs: Add @fluentui/react-components to list of libraries that support css-in-js with app router: #61521
  • docs: fix skipTrailingSlashRedirect middleware example: #65220


Huge thanks to @eps1lon, @balazsorban44, @timneutkens, @karlhorky, @mknichel, @sopranopillow, @huozhi, @Gomah, and @ztanner for helping!

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