npm next 14.2.1-canary.7

2 months ago

Core Changes

  • Update font data: #64481
  • BREAKING CHANGE: remove deprecated analyticsId from config, and the corresponding performance-relayer files and tests: #64199
  • feat: strip traceparent header from cachekey: #64499
  • Fix typo in dynamic-rendering.ts: #64365

Documentation Changes

  • Fix missing PagesOnly in 05-mdx: #64505
  • chore(docs): Add example usage of PixelBin custom image loader: #64074

Misc Changes

  • chore: Update pnpm v8.15.14 to v8.15.7: #64479
  • Add typechecking test for all entrypoints: #64478


Huge thanks to @ryota-murakami, @ijjk, @pnutmath, @feugy, @Jeffrey-Zutt, @wiesson, and @eps1lon for helping!

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