npm next 13.5.4-canary.10

9 months ago

Core Changes

  • misc: enable source maps for bundled runtime: #56289
  • misc: shortcut styled-jsx in external resolution: #56291
  • Support serverRuntimeConfig and publicRuntimeConfig in Turbopack: #56310
  • Reland static prefetches & fix prefetch bailout behavior: #56228
  • fix(#53190): add missing crossOrigin to assetsPrefix resources: #56311
  • misc: fix instrumentation with bundled server: #56318
  • fix(next/client): keep hash when navigating from app to pages router: #56223
  • fix: support both decoded and encoded url requests of conventioned files : #56187
  • fix: Invalid URL (404) provided on server actions error: #56323

Documentation Changes

Example Changes

  • fix: typo in with-stripe-typescript example: #56274

Misc Changes

  • More Turbopack fixes: #56299
  • misc: update code owners: #56290
  • Fix flaky test for size output: #56303
  • update webp crate: #56307
  • Remove buildId test as it's no longer relevant: #56316
  • Add code freeze GitHub actions for releasing: #56325
  • test: add flaky turbopack integration tests to manifest: #56309


Huge thanks to @feedthejim, @timneutkens, @sdaigo, @huozhi, @sokra, @hamirmahal, @ztanner, @SukkaW, @ijjk, @blurrah, @omarmciver, and @alexBaizeau for helping!

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