npm next-firebase-auth-edge 1.4.5

latest releases: 1.5.0-canary.4, 1.5.0-canary.3, 1.5.0-canary.2...
one month ago

1.4.5 (2024-05-26)

Bug Fixes

  • /api/login endpoint now fails with 400: Missing Token error when called without credentials (2997fc5)
  • exclude lib folder from npmignore file (f7ef2d5)
  • fix build cache path in github workflows (df4c98d)
  • remove .env.dist from npm package (5c136f9)
  • remove tests and lint steps from semantic release pipeline (160662d)
  • semantic release npm publish initialization (3ed6ef5)
  • semantic release package configuration (ec93cc6)
  • set correct pkgRoot in semantic releases configuration (9c36948)

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