npm nats 2.7.0

latest releases: 2.27.0, 2.26.0, 2.25.0...
2 years ago

What's Changed

[UPDATE] nbc (nats base client library for JavaScript) to 1.7.0 - there are numerous enhancements and fixes to NATS core, JetStream, and KV. For a complete list of descriptions, please see @aricart in #503

NATS.JS Specific

  • [DEPS] updated build dependencies by @aricart in #492
  • [CHORE] nats-server to 2.8.1, dev dependencies, and deno by @aricart in #499
  • added test verifying fix under node.js by @aricart in #501

Full Changelog: v2.6.1...v2.7.0

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