npm nats 1.2.4

latest releases: 2.23.0, 2.22.0, 2.21.0...
5 years ago

Fixes related to timer leaks

  • #255 - Fix ping timers when close was issued by the socket handler
  • #256 - Fix request and subscription timers left active after a close.

Disconnect notification change

  • Fix #257 - Disconnect notifications will only be fired for a connection that actually connected. Previously attempting but failing to connect resulted in a disconnect notification.

Minor enhancement

  • Fix #242 better URL handling

Typescript definitions

  • Fix #246 Typescript definitions were updated


  • Library changed all var statements to let/const, and also uses arrow functions, thus eliminating arcane practice of var that = this;. This indirectly means that support for node 4.x is dropped (Node 4.x has been end-of-life for a year now).

Dependency updates

  • Dependencies bumped to current versions
  • Migrated from istanbul to nyc for coverage
  • Included package-lock.json in the repository thus allowing for identical builds.

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