- Features
- Removal of prompt-select account
- Removes prompt parameter from interactive login and acquireToken requests, which include:
- loginRedirect
- loginPopup
- acquireTokenRedirect
- acquireTokenPopup
- acquireTokenSilent will continue to pass prompt=none
- When no prompt parameter is passed, the server:
- Attempts SSO. If there is a single available session, SSO will succeed.
- This session can come from cookies or the OS, and must match other request parameters such as login_hint, domain_hint, etc.
- If SSO fails, then you see either a login prompt or account selector
- If there are no active sessions, the user will see a login prompt
- If there are one or more active sessions but SSO was unable to match to a session with correlating request parameters, the user will see an accountSelector
- Attempts SSO. If there is a single available session, SSO will succeed.
- Clients can set the prompt value to any of the allowed values with extraQueryParameters. Please read docs here for more information: https://github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-js/wiki/Prompt-behavior
- Removes prompt parameter from interactive login and acquireToken requests, which include:
- Unified Cache
- To support migration from ADAL.js to MSAL.js.
If your app is currently using ADAL.js and the user already has an existing session, this release supports SSO without requiring login in MSAL.js during the migration.
More details on how to achieve this are available here: https://github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-js/wiki/Sso#sso-when-updating-from-adaljs-to-msaljs - A sample is available in the repo in samples/UnifiedCacheTestApp
- To support migration from ADAL.js to MSAL.js.
- Redirect URI as a function
- Set default redirectUri/postLogoutRedirectUri to a function returning
the current location.href, instead of the location.href from when the
UserAgentApplication was instantiated. Enables use of history.pushState.
One test updated, and tests added for redirectUri/postLogoutRedirectUri
as functions.
#462 - Fixes #458
- Set default redirectUri/postLogoutRedirectUri to a function returning
- Unit and End to end testing for msal-core enhanced
- Removal of prompt-select account
- Bug Fixes
- Package updates:
- added ajv 6.6.1
- added fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin: "^0.5.1"
- jasmine-node: ^2.0.1 to ^1.16.2
- karma-webpack: ^2.0.5 to ^4.0.0-rc.5
- @types/jasmine-ajax:3.1.35 to 3.1.39
- jshint: 2.9.5 to 2.9.7
- webpack: 3.6.0 to 4.27.1
- changed from awesome-typescript-loader to ts-loader 5.3.1
- added webpack-cli: "^3.1.2",
- added webpack-dev-middleware: "^3.4.0"