npm material-icons 1.0.0

latest releases: 1.10.8, 1.10.7, 1.10.6...
3 years ago

Changes in 1.0.0

  • Deprecate redundant CSS classes—mi, mi-outlined, mi-round, mi-sharp, mi-two-tone. You can use material-icons, material-icons-outlined, material-icons-round, material-icons-sharp, material-icons-two-tone classes instead
  • Deprecate material-icons() Sass mixin. You can use @extend .material-icons; instead of @include material-icons();

Major Changes since 0.2.x

  • Added outlined, round, sharp and two-tone icons (0.5.0)
  • Removed eot, ttf and otf font files and renamed other font files (0.7.0)
  • Removed $material-icons-font-name, $material-icons-font-family Sass variables (0.7.0)

Migrating from 0.x to 1.x

The core features have remained same since 0.2.x. Addition (0.5.0) and removal (0.7.0) of font files don't require any code changes if you are just importing the provided CSS or Sass files. Since new fonts are added (0.5.0), you may want to look at reducing build size.

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