npm libnpmaccess 10.0.0

2 days ago

10.0.0 (2023-08-31)


  • support for node 14 and 16 has been dropped. npm now supports node ^18.17.0 || >=20.5.0
  • npm no longer treats missing scripts as a special case in workspace mode. Use if-present to ignore missing scripts.
  • @npmcli/agent is now used as the agent for network requests
  • the ci-name config has been removed
  • the hard-coded hashAlgorithm value is no longer being passed through flatOptions
  • the unused tmp config has been removed
  • the hard-coded metrics-registry config has been removed.
  • libnpmpublish will no longer attempt a single automatic retry on 409 responses during publish.
  • support for the strict RFC 8909 mode has been removed. this mode was only enabled when the environ NPM_PACKAGE_ARG_8909_STRICT=1 was set.

Bug Fixes



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