npm jimp 0.20.0

latest releases: 0.22.12, 0.22.11, 0.22.11--canary.c55989b.0...
15 months ago

🎉 This release contains work from a new contributor! 🎉

Thank you, nopeless (@nopeless), for all your work!

Release Notes

switch from browserify to webpack (#1140)

This PR can be considered a breaking change as it remove the jimp.min.js file.

Instead there is now only the jimp.js file and we ship source maps for it.

We also configured the browser field so jimp will be automatically bundled better

💥 Breaking Change

  • @jimp/core, @jimp/custom, jimp, @jimp/test-utils, @jimp/png

🚀 Enhancement

⚠️ Pushed to master

Authors: 2

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