npm ioredis-mock 3.4.0

latest releases: 8.9.0, 7.5.1, 8.8.3...
6 years ago


Full Argument and Reply transformer support (#342 @DrMegavolt)

Any transformer you use on arguments and replies in ioredis will work in ioredis-mock 🎉

Since we're now able to load the built in transformers in ioredis we could finally get rid of old code related to the the hgetall and hmset commands.

If you're using ioredis-mock standalone and haven't upgraded to v3.3.0 or newer

The following only apply if you use ioredis-mock without installing ioredis

If this is your use case you'll need to install ioredis as well or ioredis-mock will not work as we're using ioredis internals to stay compatible. Using ioredis-mock without installing ioredis have been possible up to now but's newer actually been officially supported. That's why ioredis have always been specified as a peerDependency.

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