npm intl 0.1.3
Data changes, bug fixes and more

latest releases: 1.2.5, 1.2.4, 1.2.3...
10 years ago

Important: please use v0.1.4, which fixes a breaking regression introduced by this release.

This release brings a few noteworthy changes to the polyfill, including:

  • .toLocaleString() functions are no longer overridden if the environment already supports ECMA-402.
    • The polyfill versions can still be found at IntlPolyfill.__localeSensitiveProtos and can be applied using IntlPolyfill.__applyLocaleSensitivePrototypes().
  • Intl is now defined globally where it does not already exist.
  • An important bug related to NumberFormat maxSignificantDigits was fixed.
  • A new algorithm for finding the best matching date format was implemented.
  • Data is now built with long month names instead of short ones by default.
  • Tests and build tools were updated.

Note: although the build is still failing, this is due to a bug in v8 and an issue with one of the tests in IE 8.

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