npm hono 3.11.0

latest releases: 4.7.2, 4.7.1, 4.7.0...
14 months ago

Hono v3.11.0 is now available! Let's take a look at the new features.


This release introduces the new JSX component ErrorBoundary. It allows you to catch errors in child components.

For instance, in the example below, it will display the content specified in fallback if an error occurs.

import { ErrorBoundary } from 'hono/jsx'

// ...

function SyncComponent() {
  throw new Error('Error')
  return <div>Hello</div>

app.get('/sync', async (c) => {
  return c.html(
        <ErrorBoundary fallback={<div>Out of Service</div>}>
          <SyncComponent />

ErrorBoundary can be used with asynchronous components and Suspense as well.

async function AsyncComponent() {
  await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 2000))
  throw new Error('Error')
  return <div>Hello</div>

app.get('/with-suspense', async (c) => {
  return c.html(
        <ErrorBoundary fallback={<div>Out of Service</div>}>
          <Suspense fallback={<div>Loading...</div>}>
            <AsyncComponent />

Thanks to @usualoma!

createFactory() and createHandlers()

The Factory helper now provides createFactory(), which creates an instance of the Factory class.

import { createFactory } from 'hono/factory'

const factory = createFactory()

createHandlers() in a Factory class instance assists in defining handlers.

import { createFactory } from 'hono/factory'
import { logger } from 'hono/logger'

// ...

const factory = createFactory<Env>()

const middleware = factory.createMiddleware(async (c, next) => {
  c.set('foo', 'bar')
  await next()

const handlers = factory.createHandlers(logger(), middleware, (c) => {
  return c.json(

app.get('/api', ...handlers)

Dev Helper

Dev Helper is now available.

Instead of using app.showRoutes(), the showRoutes() function exported from hono/dev will display the registered routes in your console.

Consider an application like the following:

import { showRoutes } from 'hono/dev'

// ...

const app = new Hono().basePath('/v1')

app.get('/posts', (c) => {
  // ...

app.get('/posts/:id', (c) => {
  // ...
})'/posts', (c) => {
  // ...


When this application starts, the routes will be displayed in your console as follows:

GET   /v1/posts
GET   /v1/posts/:id
POST  /v1/posts

Thanks to @usualoma!

app.showRoutes has been deprecated.

c.json() supports RPC

c.json() now supports RPC, meaning you no longer need to use c.jsonT() for RPC-mode.


c.jsonT() has been deprecated.

Thanks to @usualoma!


You can retrieve the registered path within the handler as shown below:

app.get('/posts/:id', (c) => {
  return c.json({ path: c.req.routePath })

If you access /posts/123, it will return /posts/:id:

{ "path": "/posts/:id" }

Thanks to @usualoma!

Other new features

  • feat(adaptor): Enhance AWS Lambda Event Handling and Interface. Thanks to @watany-dev!
  • feat(bearerAuth): accept a list of token strings. Thanks to @thanks to @mstibbard!
  • feat(types): Support types until 10 handlers. Thanks to @gabrielDonnantuoni!

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