This release includes the new feature for adavanced users, it will be important in the future!!
now returns string | undefined
. This may cause a Type error.
You can use 3rd party libs for the validation
It become to allow normal types, instead of only allowing Schema
in the Handler.
type User = {
id: string
name: string
age: number
const handler: Handler<User> = (c) => {
const user = c.req.valid() // <--- user is User
// ...
This change also makes it possible to use the 3rd party library such as "Zod" for validation.
import { Hono } from 'hono'
import type { Handler } from 'hono'
import { z } from 'zod'
import type { ZodType } from 'zod'
const app = new Hono()
const schema = z.object({
id: z.string(),
name: z.string(),
age: z.number(),
// You can write a custom validator with Zod:
const zValidtor = <T extends ZodType>(schema: T): Handler<z.infer<T>> => {
return async (c, next) => {
const parsed = schema.safeParse(await c.req.json())
if (!parsed.success) {
return c.text('Invalid!', 400)
await next()
}'/post', zValidtor(schema), (c) => {
const user = c.req.valid() // <--- user will be `User`
return c.json(user)
Builtin Validator is recommended, but if developers want to use Zod, they can.
And this feature will be important in the future!!
What's Changed
should returnstring | undefined
by @unworthyEnzyme in #709- feat(handler): "schema" allow normal types by @yusukebe in #700
New Contributors
- @unworthyEnzyme made their first contribution in #709
Full Changelog: v2.5.10...v2.6.0