npm homebridge-hue 0.4.0

latest releases: 0.13.70, 0.13.69, 0.13.68...
7 years ago

Removed Output State characteristic for the Hue dimmer switch and Hue tap, as iOS 10.3 programmable switches are now fully functional (issue #54). To create HomeKit rules for these, use the iOS built-in Home app, or define an automation trigger on Input Event using another HomeKit app. The config.sys waitTimeSwitch key is also removed.

Added support for the physical link button on the bridge as programmable switch (issue #13). Consequently, the iOS builtin Home app will no longer show an unsupported accessory per Hue bridge, but a programmable switch instead. homebrige-hue resets the linkbutton after pressing it, so it can register the next press. To register a new application to the bridge, use the Link attribute of the custom service for the Hue bridge. Unfortunately, the iOS builtin Home app doesn't support this service, so you need another HomeKit app, like Eve. Also added a Touchlink characteristic to this service, to enable touchlink from HomeKit. Link button support can be disabled by specifying "linkButton": false in config.json.

When selecting Identify on the bridge accessory, the bridge state is now dumped to a file in ~/homebridge (or the directory specified by the -U command line option to homebridge), instead of to the current directory.

On startup, homebridge-hue now logs the homebridge version, rather than the version of the homebridge api.

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