npm gridstack 3.0.0

latest releases: 10.1.2, 10.1.1, 10.1.0...
3 years ago
  • the big news is we finally have a native HTML5 drag&drop plugin (no jquery/query-ui, entire bundle now at 1/3 the size 64k), in addition to legacy jq one (186k), and new static grid bundle (34k). Huge thanks to @rhlin for creating this in stealth mode. Read all about it in main doc.
  • we now have a React example, in addition to Vue - Angular is next!. thanks @eloparco
  • fix placeholder not having custom GridStackOptions.itemClass. thanks @pablosichert
  • fix #1484 dragging between 2 grids and back (regression in 2.0.1)
  • fix #1471 load() into 1 column mode doesn't resize back to 12 correctly
  • fix #1235 update(el, opts) re-write to take all GridStackWidget options (not just x,y,width,height) and do everything efficiently.
    Hiding locked(), move(), resize(), minWidth(), etc... as they just simply call update() which does all the constrain now as well!
  • delete ddPlugin grid option as we only have one drag&drop plugin at runtime, which is defined by the include you use (HTML5 vs jquery vs none)
  • BREAK: change attribute data-gs-min-width is now gs-min-w. We removed 'data-' from all attributes, and shorten 'width|height' to just 'w|h' to require less typing and more efficient (2k saved in .js alone!) #1491 #1492
  • BREAK: also GridStackWidget used in most API width|height|minWidth|minHeight|maxWidth|maxHeight are now shorter w|h|minW|minH|maxW|maxH as well #1493
  • **** see migrating to v3 ****

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