npm gatsby 1.0.0-alpha8

latest releases: 5.15.0-next.1, 5.11.1-canary-less-lmdb.0, 5.14.1...
8 years ago

Prepping to launch first big website on Gatsby 1.0.0! Knocking out some remaining bugs.


  • Extension API swOnUpdated for when a service worker finishes
    updating. Use this to alert users of your app to reload to see the
    latest version.


  • hot reloading now fully works. Apparently you can't use function
    components for top-level routes on react-router with react-hot-loader
    3.0 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ #532 and
  • Webpack needs the help of an obscure setting recordsPath to preserve
    module ids across builds. Big thanks to @NekR, @bebraw, and @TheLarkInn for helping me with this. Previous to this change, loading changed JS chunks could cause a JS
    error as the module ids the new chunk expects wouldn't match the module
    ids from the older chunks.


  • Disabled hard-source-webpack-plugin. It speeds up builds significantly
    but has been causing hard-to-debug errors while developing. We'll
    circle back to it down the road.
  • Restored using ChunkManifestPlugin. It was disabled while trying to
    debug the mismatched module id bug but that being fixed, we're using
    it again.
  • Name modules ids in development for easier debugging. Primary benefit
    is you can see which modules are getting hot reloaded.

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