npm formik 1.0.0-beta.9

latest releases: 2.4.6, 2.4.5, 2.4.4...
5 years ago

Minor Improvement

Fully backwards compat

  • Added more docs and FAQ's about submission process
  • Documented connect() higher-order component
  • Added isValidating: boolean to Formik state!!! #753
    • isValidating is now set to true whenever validation is run. This includes validation before submission. This means that you can display UI in response to more state combinations. Mostly, if isSubmitting is true and isValidating is false, you can now know you are going executing you submission handler. When both isSubmitting and isValidating are false, you know you are back to idle state. Remember, that isSubmitting still means "is submit being attempted?" so you can / should still use it to prevent double submits by using it to disable buttons etc.

What's next?

  • Deprecate submitCount for submitAttemptCount
  • Add submitSuccessCount and submitFailCount
  • 1.0 Launch
  • Open discussion about starting to fully unify the the API's for Formik and withFormik to simplify the documentation.

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