npm formik 1.0.0-alpha.4

latest releases: 2.4.6, 2.4.5, 2.4.4...
6 years ago

Minor Release

New stuff

  • TypeScript 2.8 (#543)
    • Dramatically improved FormikTouched type signature thanks to conditional types.
    • There should be more improvements to type signatures coming soon.
  • Add replace array helper (#520)
  • Pass in next initialValues into FastField's reset function (#462)
  • New ways to use handleChange and handleBlur (#521)
    • You can now omit a name attribute when using handleChange and handleBlur if you pass them a string as the first argument. They have been modified to return a handler (like Preact's linkState helper). The curried handleChange handler also has the flexibility to accept either an event OR a string as it's argument--so you can use it with React Native's <TextInput onChangeText/> too! In other words, you can now do this...
// You can now do this....
<input onChange={handleChange('firstName')} value={values.firstName} />
// and in React Native
<TextInput onChangeText={handleChange('firstName')} value={values.firstName} />


  • Added testimonials to docs
  • Bumped up deps for TS
  • Official types test added

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