npm formik 0.8.0

latest releases: 2.4.6, 2.4.5, 2.4.4...
6 years ago


  • No breaking changes, but a few deprecation warnings.
  • New names for some imperative setters
  • validationSchema and Yup are now 100% optional
  • New validate method can handle sync and async custom validators
  • More control over when validation is run

Deprecations (console warnings right now) 🗑

  • Deprecate handleChangeValue. Use setFieldValue instead.
  • Deprecate mapValuesToPayload. Move your function to the top of handleSubmit.
  • Deprecate setError escape hatch with warning. Use setStatus (it's identical and a better name IMHO).

New props and helpers 🍹 ⭐️ 🎉

  • setFieldValue: same as handleChangeValue() except it does not touch the field. Call setFieldTouched right after if you need to
  • setFieldTouched: parallel to setFieldValue, but for touched
  • setFieldError: ...yeah same thing but for errors
  • submitForm: () => void; which lets you submit your form without a dom event (very useful for testing). s/o @ctrlplusb for seeing this as missing way before I did.
  • dirty: boolean as computed prop. true if anything has been touched.
  • status?: any & setStatus: (status: any) => void An escape hatch helper for when you need to set arbitrary state (like a success behavior)

New Formik configuration options ⚙️

  • validate?: (values: Values, props: Props) => { [field: string]: string } | Promise<any> Optional custom validation option. Either return an errors object or and Promise that throws an error object.

  • validateOnChange?: boolean = false. Will fire off validation on change events.

  • validateOnBlur?: boolean = true. Will fire off validation on blur events.

  • moar tests! (like a lot lot lot more)

  • validationSchema is now optional.

Even more badass TypeScript support 🎉

See #74 for details.

I added type safety to all the new setters by restricting their respective keys to Values by using mapped types. As a result, instead of being able to set arbitrary keys on errors and touched, all the setters will now get angry if field(s) are not found in your Values interface.


interface FormikValues {	
 [field: string]: any;		

interface FormikErrors {	
 [field: string]: string;		

interface FormikTouched {	
 [field: string]: boolean;		


export interface FormikValues {
  [field: string]: any;

export type FormikErrors<Values extends FormikValues> = {
  [Key in keyof Values]?: string

export type FormikTouched<Values extends FormikValues> = {
  [Key in keyof Values]?: boolean


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