npm firebase-tools 3.6.0

latest releases: 13.11.4, 13.11.3, 13.11.2...
7 years ago
  • You may need to re-authorize with firebase login --reauth to take advantage of the new Hosting SDK auto-configuration. You will see a prompt when running firebase deploy if this is the case.
  • Adds setup:web command to print out JS SDK initialization information.
  • Adds Hosting support for SDK auto-configuration in serve command.
  • Adds Hosting support for SDK auto-configuration when deploying.
  • Corrected typo in docs URL for Cloud Functions default template.
  • Deploy now fails if no valid deploy targets are found (including --only with typos).
  • Can now run firebase serve from subdirectories of a project.
  • Can call commands with empty arguments when using programmatically (e.g. fbcli.list()).
  • Improved error messages when authentication issues occur.

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