npm firebase-functions 3.7.0

latest releases: 5.0.1, 5.0.0, 4.9.0...
4 years ago
  • Adds functions.logger SDK to enable structured logging in the Node.js 10 runtime. For example:

    const functions = require('firebase-functions');
    functions.logger.debug('example log with structured data', {
      uid: user.uid,
      authorized: true,
  • Adds a special require that mimics Node.js 8 runtime logging in Node.js 10 and later runtimes:


    In newer runtimes, requiring this will emit text logs with multi-line support and appropriate severity. In the Node.js 8 runtime, the compat module has no effect.

  • Fixes https.onRequest type signature to allow Promises for async functions.

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