- feat(Brushes): add beforePathCreated event #6492;
- feat(fabric.Path): Change the way path is parsed and drawn. simplify path at parsing time #6504;
- feat(fabric.Path): Simplify S and T command in C and Q. #6507;
- fix(fabric.Textbox): ISSUE-6518 Textbox and centering scaling #6524;
- fix(fabric.Text): Ensure the shortcut text render the passed argument and not the entire line #6526;
- feat(fabric.util): Add a function to work with path measurements #6525;
- fix(fabric.Image): rendering pixel outside canvas size #6326;
- fix(fabric.controlsUtils): stabilize scaleObject function #6540;
- fix(fabric.Object): when in groups or active groups, fix the ability to shift deselect #6541;