npm extract-files 4.0.0
Version 4.0.0

latest releases: 13.0.0, 12.0.0, 11.0.0...
5 years ago


  • extractFiles is a named export again, and there is no longer a default export; mixed named and default exports causes native ESM and CJS interoperability issues.
  • isObject is no longer exported. It was not a documented API anyway.
  • Removed the ReactNativeFile static function list. It added surface area to the API and bundles and is simple to do manually.


  • Updated Babel, removing the @babel/runtime dependency.
  • Refactored package scripts to use prepare to support installation via Git (e.g. npm install jaydenseric/extract-files).
  • Package marked side-effect free for bundlers and tree-shaking.


  • Use jsdoc-md to generate readme API docs from source JSDoc, which has been much improved.
  • Use tap instead of ava. Tests no longer transpile on the fly, are faster and AVA no longer dictates the Babel version.
  • Tests run against the actual dist .mjs and .js files in both native ESM (--experimental-modules) and CJS environments.
  • Added a package test:size script, using size-limit to guarantee < 500 byte ESM and CJS bundle sizes.
  • Removed the package clean script rimraf dev dependency in favour of native rm -rf.
  • Removed the package fix script.
  • Renamed the MODULE environment variable to BABEL_ESM to be more specific for the package prepare:mjs script.
  • Lint .json, .yml and .md files.
  • Use .prettierignore to leave package.json formatting to npm.
  • Use eslint-config-env.
  • Compact package repository field.
  • Updated package description.
  • HTTPS package author URL.
  • Added package keywords.
  • Replaced readme badges with:
    • A Badgen npm version badge.
    • An official Travis badge that only tracks master branch.
  • Changelog version entries now have “Major”, “Minor” and “Patch” subheadings.

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