npm expo-server-sdk 2.2.0

latest releases: 3.9.0, 3.8.0, 3.7.0...
7 years ago

New features

  • Chunking helper: exponent.chunkPushNotifications(messages): This is a simple convenience function that takes an array of push notification messages and returns an array of arrays, each of which can be passed to exponent.sendPushNotificationsAsync. This is because Exponent limits the number of notifications you can send in a single request (implementation detail: the limit is currently 100).
  • Request compression: We gzip-compress request payloads (over 1KiB) so that when you send many notification messages in a single request, the request payload is considerably smaller and reaches the Exponent servers more quickly.
  • Custom HTTP agent option: The ExponentClient constructor takes an options map (just a plain JS object) with one supported key:
    • httpAgent: A custom HTTP (or HTTPS) agent to use if you want more control over connection pooling, timeouts, and other networking policies.

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