npm eslint-nibble 6.0.0

latest releases: 8.1.0, 8.0.2, 8.0.1...
4 years ago

New Features

This release adds three new flags: --no-interactive, --format, and --multi.

The flags --no-interactive and --format are intended to be used in a CI environment or any other time that you do not want the interactive menu to be shown. Instead, errors will be shown in whatever format you specify. The --format flag has no effect if --no-interactive is not also set.

Together with the --rule flag, this can be useful if you are in the middle of a large cleanup and would like to prevent new linting errors that you've already fixed from being re-introduced.

The --multi flag will allow the selection of multiple rules at one time in the interactive rule chooser.

Breaking changes

  • Requires node 8 or higher due to upgrades of internal dependencies.

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