npm eslint-config-next 14.1.1-canary.33

5 months ago

Core Changes

Documentation Changes

  • docs: update useParams examples and pages usage: #61595
  • docs: update style9 to stylex: #61646
  • Mobile Friendly Test was retired: #61647

Example Changes

  • enhancement(with-supabase): replace getSession() with getUser(): #61564

Misc Changes

  • chore: upgrade turbo to 1.12.2: #61643
  • Ensure publish job has correct status on fail: #61645
  • Update to latest version of npm for publishing: #61644


Huge thanks to @paramoshkinandrew, @samcx, @ijjk, @OMikkel, @theitaliandev, and @oliviertassinari for helping!

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