npm esbuild 0.8.12

latest releases: 0.22.0, 0.21.5, 0.21.4...
3 years ago
  • Added an API for incremental builds (#21)

    There is now an API for incremental builds. This is what using the API looks like from JavaScript:

      entryPoints: ['app.js'],
      bundle: true,
      outfile: 'out.js',
      incremental: true,
    }).then(result => {
      // The "rebuild" method is present if "incremental" is true. It returns a
      // promise that resolves to the same kind of object that "build" returns.
      // You can call "rebuild" as many times as you like.
      result.rebuild().then(result2 => {
        // Call "dispose" when you're done to free up resources.

    Using the API from Go is similar, except there is no need to manually dispose of the rebuild callback:

    result := api.Build(api.BuildOptions{
      EntryPoints: []string{"app.js"},
      Bundle: true,
      Outfile: "out.js",
      Incremental: true,
    result2 := result.Rebuild()

    Incremental builds are more efficient than regular builds because some data is cached and can be reused if the original files haven't changed since the last build. There are currently two forms of caching used by the incremental build API:

    • Files are stored in memory and are not re-read from the file system if the file metadata hasn't changed since the last build. This optimization only applies to file system paths. It does not apply to virtual modules created by plugins.

    • Parsed ASTs are stored in memory and re-parsing the AST is avoided if the file contents haven't changed since the last build. This optimization applies to virtual modules created by plugins in addition to file system modules, as long as the virtual module path remains the same.

    This is just the initial release of the incremental build API. Incremental build times still have room for improvement. Right now esbuild still re-resolves, re-loads, and re-links everything even if none of the input files have changed. Improvements to the incremental build mechanism will be coming in later releases.

  • Support for a local file server (#537)

    You can now run esbuild with the --serve flag to start a local server that serves the output files over HTTP. This is intended to be used during development. You can point your <script> tag to a local server URL and your JavaScript and CSS files will be automatically built by esbuild whenever that URL is accessed. The server defaults to port 8000 but you can customize the port with --serve=....

    There is also an equivalent API for JavaScript:

      port: 8000,
      entryPoints: ['app.js'],
      bundle: true,
      outfile: 'out.js',
      incremental: true,
    }).then(server => {
      // Call "stop" on the server when you're done

    and for Go:

    server, err := api.Serve(api.ServeOptions{
      Port: 8000,
    }, api.BuildOptions{
      EntryPoints: []string{"app.js"},
      Bundle:      true,
      Outfile:     "out.js",
      Incremental: true,
    // Call "stop" on the server when you're done

    This is a similar use case to "watch mode" in other tools where something automatically rebuilds your code when a file has changed on disk. The difference is that you don't encounter the problem where you make an edit, switch to your browser, and reload only to load the old files because the rebuild hasn't finished yet. Using a HTTP request instead of a file system access gives the rebuild tool the ability to delay the load until the rebuild operation has finished so your build is always up to date.

  • Install to a temporary directory for Windows (#547)

    The install script runs npm in a temporary directory to download the correct binary executable for the current architecture. It then removes the temporary directory after the installation. However, removing a directory is sometimes impossible on Windows. To work around this problem, the install script now installs to the system's temporary directory instead of a directory inside the project itself. That way it's not problematic if a directory is left behind by the install script. This change was contributed by @Djaler.

  • Fix the public path ending up in the metafile (#549)

    The change in version 0.8.7 to include the public path in import paths of code splitting chunks caused a regression where the public path was also included in the list of chunk imports in the metafile. This was unintentional. Now the public path setting should not affect the metafile contents.

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