npm esbuild 0.16.8

latest releases: 0.20.2, 0.20.1, 0.20.0...
16 months ago
  • Allow plugins to resolve injected files (#2754)

    Previously paths passed to the inject feature were always interpreted as file system paths. This meant that onResolve plugins would not be run for them and esbuild's default path resolver would always be used. This meant that the inject feature couldn't be used in the browser since the browser doesn't have access to a file system. This release runs paths passed to inject through esbuild's full path resolution pipeline so plugins now have a chance to handle them using onResolve callbacks. This makes it possible to write a plugin that makes esbuild's inject work in the browser.

  • Add the empty loader (#1541, #2753)

    The new empty loader tells esbuild to pretend that a file is empty. So for example --loader:.css=empty effectively skips all imports of .css files in JavaScript so that they aren't included in the bundle, since import "./some-empty-file" in JavaScript doesn't bundle anything. You can also use the empty loader to remove asset references in CSS files. For example --loader:.png=empty causes esbuild to replace asset references such as url(image.png) with url() so that they are no longer included in the resulting style sheet.

  • Fix </script> and </style> escaping for non-default targets (#2748)

    The change in version 0.16.0 to give control over </script> escaping via --supported:inline-script=false or --supported:inline-script=true accidentally broke automatic escaping of </script> when an explicit target setting is specified. This release restores the correct automatic escaping of </script> (which should not depend on what target is set to).

  • Enable the exports field with NODE_PATHS (#2752)

    Node has a rarely-used feature where you can extend the set of directories that node searches for packages using the NODE_PATHS environment variable. While esbuild supports this too, previously it only supported the old main field path resolution but did not support the new exports field package resolution. This release makes the path resolution rules the same again for both node_modules directories and NODE_PATHS directories.

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