npm ember-cli 3.4.4
Road Trippin'

latest releases: 5.7.0-beta.0, 5.6.0, 5.6.0-beta.0...
5 years ago


npm install -g ember-cli@3.4.4 -- Install new global ember-cli

Project Update

  1. Run npx ember-cli-update --to 3.4.4 -- This will update your app or addon to the latest ember-cli release. You will probably encounter merge conflicts that you should resolve in your normal git workflow.
  2. Run ember-cli-update --run-codemods -- This will let you pick codemods to run against your project, to ensure you are using the latest patterns and platform features.


Blueprint Changes

Community Contributions

  • #8277 DefaultPackager: Move addon-test-support out of the tests folder @Turbo87
  • #8278 DefaultPackager: Fix addon preprocessing @Turbo87

Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!

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