npm ember-cli 0.1.5
Real Maps

latest releases: 5.7.0-beta.0, 5.6.0, 5.6.0-beta.0...
9 years ago


In order to ensure a safe and easy upgrade please follow the following steps (from within your project directory):


  1. npm uninstall -g ember-cli -- Remove old global ember-cli
  2. npm cache clean -- Clear NPM cache
  3. bower cache clean -- Clear Bower cache
  4. npm install -g ember-cli@0.1.5 -- Install new global ember-cli

Project Update

  1. rm -rf node_modules bower_components dist tmp -- Delete temporary development folders.
  2. npm install --save-dev ember-cli@0.1.5 -- Update project's package.json to use latest version.
  3. npm install -- Reinstall NPM dependencies.
  4. bower install -- Reinstall Bower dependencies.
  5. ember init -- This runs the new project blueprint on your projects directory. Please follow the prompts, and review all changes (tip: you can see a diff by pressing d). The most common source of upgrade pain is missing changes in this step.



  • ember new diff

  • #2727 Added
    sourcemap support to the JS concatenation and minification steps of
    the build. This eliminates the need for the wrapInEval hack. Any
    Javascript preprocessors that produce sourcemaps will also be
    automatically incorporated into the final result. Sourcemaps are
    enabled by default in dev, to enable them in production pass
    {sourcemaps: { enabled: true, extensions: ['js']}} to your
    EmberApp constructor.

  • #2777 allowed
    the creation of components with slashes in their names since this is
    supported in Handlebars 2.0.

  • #2800 Added 3 new commands

    ember install
    ember install:bower moment
    ember install:npm ember-browserify

    They behave exactly as you'd expect. Install runs npm and bower
    install on the project. The last two simply pass in the package names
    you give it to the underlying task to do it.

  • #2805 Added the
    install:addon command, which installs an addon with NPM and then
    runs the included generator of the same name if it provides one.

    If the blueprint for the installed addon requires arguments, then
    you can pass them too, for example, the ember-cli-cordova addon
    needs an extra argument which you can pass running the command as
    follows: ember install:addon ember-cli-cordova

  • #2565 added
    support for command options aliases, as well as aliases for
    predefined options, this means that some commands can use aliases
    for their existing options, for example, instead of running ember g route foo --type route we can now use the -route alias: ember g route foo -route.

    You can see available aliases for each command running ember help,
    they will show as aliases: follow by the alias.

  • #2668 added the
    prepend flag to app.import in Brocfile.js, allowing to prepend
    a file to the vendor bundle rather than appended which is the
    default behaviour.

    // Brocfile.js
    app.import('bower_components/es5-shim/es5-shim.js', {
     type: 'vendor',
     prepend: true
  • #2694 disabled
    default lookup & active generation logging in

  • #2748 improved
    the router generator to support properly nested routes and
    resources, previously if you had a route similar like: {

    And you did ember g route foo/bar the generated routes would be {

    Now it keeps manages nested routes properly so the result would be: {
      this.route("foo", function() {

    Additionally the option --path was added so you can do things like
    ember g route friends/edit --path=:friend_id/id creating a nested
    route under friends like: this.route('edit', {path: ':friend_id/edit'})

  • #2734 changed
    the options for editorconfig so it won't remove trailing whitespace
    on .diff files.

  • #2788 added an
    on('error') handler to the proxy blueprint, with this your ember server won't be killed when receiving socket hang up from the

  • #2741 updated broccoli-asset-rev to 2.0.0.

  • #2779 fixed a
    bug in your .ember-cli file, if you had a liveReloadPort of say
    "4200" it would not actually end up as that port. This casts the
    string to a number so that the port is set correctly.

  • #2817 added a
    new feature so Leek can be
    configured through your .ember-cli file. It means you will be able
    to configure the URLs Leek sends requests to, with this you can plug
    internal tools and track usage patterns.

  • #2828 added the
    option to consume app.env before app instance creation in your
    Brocfile, this is useful if you want to pass environment-dependent
    options to the EmberApp constructor in your Brocfile:

    new EmberApp({
      someOption: EmberApp.env() === 'production' ? 'foo' : 'bar';
  • #2829 fixed an
    issue on the model-test blueprint which was causing the build to fail
    when the options needs wasn't present.

  • #2832 added a
    buildError hook which will be called when an error occurs during the
    preBuild or postBuild hooks for addons, or when builder#build
    fails hook.

  • #2836 added a
    check when passing --proxy to ember server. If the URL doesn't
    include http or https then the command will fail since it
    requires the protocol in order to get the proxy working correctly.


  • ember addon diff

  • #2693 fixed an
    issue with blueprints ensuring that last loaded blueprint takes

  • #2805 Added the
    install:addon command, which installs an addon with NPM and then
    runs the included generator of the same name if it provides one,
    additionally if you addon generator's name is different to the addon
    name, you can pass the option defaultBlueprint in your
    package.json and the command will run the generator after
    installed. The following will run ember g cordova-starter-kit
    after it has successfully installed ember-cli-cordova

    name: 'ember-cli-cordova',
    'ember-addon': {
      defaultBlueprint: 'cordova-starter-kit'
  • #2775 added a
    default .jshintrc for in-repo-addons so they are treated as
    Node applications.

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