npm element-plus 2.1.8

latest releases: 2.7.6, 2.7.5, 2.7.4...
2 years ago




  • Components [tooltip-v2] documentation (#6870 by @JeremyWuuuuu)

  • Components [el-table] add placeholder for tree table (#6905 by @msidolphin)

  • Components [el-scrollbar] expose scrollTo method (#6663 by @msidolphin)

  • Components [tag] add new API for rounded

  • Components [el-virtual-list] support native behaviours (#6945 by @msidolphin)

  • Components add tree select component (#6843 by @yujinpan)

  • Components [tabs] add tab-change event (#6978 by @buqiyuan)

  • Locale: Added Azerbaijani language (#6878 by @chz)

Bug fixes

  • Components [el-input] change icon when showing password (#6846 by @plainheart)

  • Components [autocomplete] can not fetch suggestions after clear (#6847 by @buqiyuan)

  • Deps update all non-major dependencies (#6893 by @renovate[bot])

  • Remove default size warn by set componetSizes (#6908 by @YunYouJun)

  • [ElMessage] grouping mode default type (#6836 by @chenxch)

  • Components [update] fix onChange hook called twice (#6885 by @LYlanfeng)

  • Components [el-table] use table width as empty block width (#6694 by @plainheart)

  • [el-select-v2] 修復select-v2 v-model 不能正常的支持 Object (#6888 by @czh740132583)

  • Components [input] 添加prepend或append插槽后, clearable无法显示 (#6756 by @cn-troy)

  • Docs [el-divider] Document case error, String to string (#6934 by @zcj996)

  • Components [select] value support object (#6933 by @btea)

  • Docs documentation style (#6952 by @JeremyWuuuuu)

  • Theme-chalk [el-table] fix custom header background of fixed column (#6931 by @plainheart)


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