npm dependency-cruiser 9.9.3

latest releases: 16.3.3, 16.3.2, 16.3.1...
3 years ago

🐛 bugfixes & 🌟 features

  • bugfix(extract): reduces memory usage by using a new version of enhanced-resolve (#335)

This also introduces a feature to tweak the cache duration enhanced resolve uses. For larger repos (above ~5000 modules, 20000 dependencies) it might be worthwhile to play with this to find a trade off between memory usage and time spent running.

Thanks to @jomi-se who not only found the bug in enhanced-resolve but also helped validate the fix (in detail!) and rolled an alternate and promising cache implementation for enhanced resolve

🔧 maintenance

  • refactor(enrich|validate): sanitize validate interface (#337)
  • build(npm): ⬆️ enhanced-resolve, @babel/core, commander, eslint, eslint-plugin-unicorn, inquirer, typescript
  • ci(travis): don't run hyperfine on the ci

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