npm dependency-cruiser 9.21.3

latest releases: 16.3.3, 16.3.2, 16.3.1...
3 years ago

🚀 performance improvements

In order of impact:

  • build(npm): ⬇️ enhanced-resolve to 5.1.0 (#415)
    With version 5.2.0 (and up) dependency-cruiser is significantly slower than with earlier versions of the 5 major. The self cruise with her 5.2.0 takes ~8s, with 5.1.0 it takes ~3s. Might be worth it to issue a PR on enhanced-resolve to remedy that. Until then dc will be using 5.1.0.
  • perf(resolve): limits the #times external manifests are retrieved (#413)
  • perf(resolve): only read license/ deprecation when used in rule set (#412)
  • perf(resolve): reduces #extensions enhanced-resolve tries for manifest resolution
  • perf(resolve): only calculate exoticRequire strings once

📖 documentation

  • doc(samples): updates the config for react and yarn(berry)

⛏️ maintenance

  • build(npm): ⬆️ @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin, @typescript-eslint/parser, ajv, eslint, eslint-config-moving-meadow, eslint-plugin-unicorn, svelte
  • refactor: removes use of pnp-webpack-plugin (#414)
  • chore: happy 2021

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