npm dependency-cruiser 6.0.0

latest releases: 16.3.3, 16.3.2, 16.3.1...
4 years ago
  • feature(extract): (🚨BREAKING) parse vue SFCs with the vue-template-compiler (#221)
    thanks @AlexanderShushunov for raising the issue and providing an excellent reproduction repo!
  • build(npm): ⬆️ eslint-plugin-import
  • doc(readme): replace a non-functioning swag badge with one for gh-actions

💥 Breaking change: better support for Vue Single File Components

impact classification:

  • low for projects using Vue Single File Components (SFC's) - rules that didn't trigger might start triggering because SFC parsing got more accurate.
  • none for all other projects

What changed?

From this version dependency-cruiser pre-processes *.vue with the vue-template-compiler before passing it to the javascript parser. This will give a more reliable view on the dependencies of Vue Single File Components (SFC's):

  • dependency-cruiser only looks at the <script> section - and it ignores other ones. With this it can more reliably identify dependencies defined in there. Dependencies not showing up before might appear after the merge of this PR.
  • This also means it doesn't look at the <style> section anymore, which might have yielded dependencies because of include syntax of some stylesheet languages is close to es6's.

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